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Sonja is one of the most popular recipe makers in Europe she specialises with in the cuisine that makes the indian Community explode.
With sonja’s recipes she has reached top levels and have won many awards all through Europe she has also been involved in several events and presented her recipes and food for politicians in Europe,
Sonja. is visible on Instagram as well as owning her own restaurant in Europe,
Sonja. Has also been invited to some of the top events around the world Sonja.
she is a fashion icon in the Indian scene, mr Chazz and Sonja. are very motivated to bring Indian fashion style in the culture to the European community and also sonja created some of the best recipes ideas around the world. All of Sonja.’s recipes are super tasty.
With the combination of spices and flavors and her creativity Sonja. has made her name as an icon in Europe.
Sonja will be publishing cookbooks and recipes socially  and digitally Inside360 agency is very happy to be a part of this success we would like to wish everyone energy love power and good health. 
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